I know that going to a bootfitter for some shell mods will help and I plan on doing so, but do ski boots actually cause these things to happen? Or is it something that your body does itself and my boots just made it more noticeable/irritated?
From what I have read into the subject (not much), surgery seems to be the only option to fully alleviate the problem, which would probably be overkill because it's not so painful that it prevents me from skiing. At the moment it's just annoying, but I don't want it to turn into a more serious issue over time.
Anyone on here had experience with bone spurs? I know NS isn't the best place for medical expertise, but I figure since we're all stuck in the same plastic pieces of shit while our knuckle-dragging friends chill in slippers, someone has to know something I don't.
Thanks and +K for relevant/useful responses