I can't believe what this guy said today. He's talking like the 9th Circuit Court is out of line because this country is a theocracy. Like I said before, I believe in God, but this scares me and pisses me off. Not to overgeneralize, but 98% of the bad stuff that has happened in history is because of fanatical states dominated by one regligion, or lack thereof, (Irag, Iran, Afghanistan, USSR, Palistine vs. Israel, Nazi Germany, etc etc etc). Not that we're headed that way, but the US is supposed to be different. I can't wait for this guy to be done with and in the past.
Bush said the ruling from a panel with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California ignored the fact that the Declaration of Independence acknowledged 'we receive our rights from God.' He said the court's decision was proof of the need for 'common-sense judges' who 'understand we derive our rights from God.' [cnn.com]
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