Viveiros, Austin Nieuwendyk, John
Marcello, Tom
Period G
13 March 2013
1. We the people of the Foster Glocester regional schools will be holding a “wake up” ceremony for those who are physical and mentally connected to their media devices.
2. The main goal of our ceremony is to help unself-respecting girls not have the need to strive for an unattainable perfection that is sanctioned by corporations.
3. The Product that we are offering at our event is scissors to cut the cord of media, and a makeup removal kit to show your true self to the world. This will unify all individuals and show their spiritual and earthy ways. As well as the scissors and invisible vacuum will be created to ultimately cleanse the mind. Many people will like the sound of this because more and more individuals are seeing that corporations are tricking you.
4. The costs of these items are all three dollars. We chose this price because money shouldn’t be a contributing factor to this earth. Marketing is a joke and should be treated as such.
5. The internet is the only viable source for information and people choose what they want to hear that inflicts them the most. So we will be promoting online and little mom and pop candy shops with large billboards of scissors and makeup removal kits.
6. The only place they will be able to purchase our signature products are at protests and standups. Because of our large amounts of money we have the power to virtually do anything we want with our product. Whether it is posting adverts on YouTube, making music videos. To help disconnect our youth.
7. Our main target markets for this event are adolescent girls who are looking to disconnect themselves from the stressful world of media. Teen girls are the most contributing factor to media so we will be taking the bull by the horns.
8. People have a strong support for our group because we relay the truth, thus being able to market our scissors, virtual vacuum and makeup removal kits. These girls are tormented by the mass media in an attempt to solidify a view of perfection.
9. Our scissors relay a message saying “kiss me” which subliminally means don’t do it, cause who wants to kiss scissors. No one. The scissors represent individuals that can look past the untruthful scheme brought about by news casters. People would amply accept the spewing of information believing it so because of a hypothetical acceptance that the liberal agenda is better than that of the conservative agenda or vice versa.
10. Strengths- Our event will attract individuals who take a strong opposition against the mass media. Threats- Everyone who loves the media will stop this.
11. I never want this completed. I wanbt it to live on forever. Like an immortal soul.
I want people to wake up and to have an awareness of the schemes and gutful methods effectuated by the mass media and governments. But they only care about the sanctity of their own minds. They exploit the human race in there crude rat race. They want you to care about money more than yourselves. What if money wasn’t an object…