Supplementing the right way means that you are optimizing or maximizing your workout. It doesn't mean you are lazy and aren't doing the work. You need a combo of everything as everyone has already stated. And addressing a post I noticed, the amount of creatine found in meat products is still pretty minimal to be considered enough to be supplemental to your workout.
And to someone talking about vitamins I hope you are only considering that for maximizing muscle gain. For aerobic training, vitamins and antioxidants will actually stunt your gains by minimizing mitochondrial biomass increases that you would normally see, which acts through PGC1 and SIRT1 pathways.
And to be honest if just starting out in the gym and you want to maximize your lift sessions, start with a protein shake or BCAA product if you don't want to do the shake deal. Leucine substantially increases activation of the mTORC1 pathway, leading to more hypertrophy of the muscles. Then you can start adding products from there to see what you like/need. Creatine would be more of the 3rd step in supplementation in my mind, but that is debatable.