1. if you staged an event to happen like this, the "nicest" thing you can do for the people is having professionals that are prepared to respond to these attacks already on the scene with the proper equipment to help.
2. The people that brought forth the class action lawsuit are now dead, or too scared to say/do anything so there is no need to worry about these folk getting in their hair anymore. Monsanto has many politicians that they have bought (the nice term for this is lobbyist) to place in the government to act for them. Remember a former Monsanto official is in Obama's cabinet. The government/legal system answers to them and can cover up whatever they please without consequence. If you don't believe this type of power is real, you seriously undermine the capabilities and efficiency of the central intelligence agency and the FBI.
and really, when's the last time you heard about a fertilizer plant randomly blowing up where 80+people died? never.
3. Gold is the international currency to which banks base the value of their currency. I honestly don't know too much about gold, but the fact that the only international currency's value dropped to the lowest it's been in years right before a terrorist attack happens is pretty weird. People don't just liquidate their gold for no reason. It seems like the owners of gold bullion were scared into selling a lot of their assets for some reason. I would have to look deeper into this to find out whether this was just a silly coincidence or not.
like I said before, I don't know what's going on and don't trust any resources, especially sanctioned news sources as they have misreported these events multiple times already. because of this, and being a person who thinks outside of the box about our system in the first place, I am prone to listening intently to what conspiracy theorists have to say. I don't necessarily know if they are right but it is a hell of a lot more interesting than listening to CNN report shit the wrong way (when CNN fucks up, you know it's getting bad). Also, It's not like im sitting here fapping to what Alex jones has to say about this on infowars.com. While he does end up being right about a few things, I thoroughly believe he is a crazy fuck and takes a lot of shit too far.