I wasn't even that surprised. I just wonder how they will react when legal marijuana is implemented. The states want make money off of it and washington is banking on weed to rake in hundreds millions. The fact is that may not even happen. They are so stupid for balancing their budget on something that is federally illegal and taxed so high. Not my problem though. And I bet that just makes it look worse to the DEA.
The real question is should we make Mc Donalds illegal? How about all fast food restaurants. Obesity is a major health risk and it has been statistically proven that fast foods negatively impact a persons health signifacantly. 37.5% of people are obese in the US.Thats an example of a health problem, only 1% of the us population smokes daily. We don't need the government to tell us what we should and shouldn't do when it effects no one else, adults should be able to take care of them selves. Especially when there are far more harmful drugs in the legal and pharmaceutical markets. Regan hated hippies so he hated marijuana and has created a trillion dollar drug war that we have long lost. In 2009 cost the tax payers 51 billion dollars. $165 for ever damn person in the us. That is counting children, parents babies, everyone. most of which spent trying to eradicate cannabis.Where has that goten us? Medicinal marijuana is legal in 18 states, and 2 states legalized for recrational uses.
The scheduling of drugs was definitely meant to fight off the hippies back in Regans day.
All schedule 1 drugs (MOST ADDICTIVE)
lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote
schedule 2 drugs
The have cocane and methamphetamine as less addictive than marijuana.
Schedule 4 drugs are suposed to have a low potential of abuse.
First drug listed xanax, and that drug is so damn addictive.
Clearly the DEA works for pharmaceutical companies. "the DEA admits that
55 pharmaceutical companies now hold licenses in the United States to grow cannabis. " It is so clear who they work for fuck the DEA hypocrite pussy bitches. Its all about the money, its fucked how much power big corperations have. They let companies grow weed for medicinal purposes yet lock citizens up for years even up to life for doing the same exact thing.