grillz or grills can be purchased online on www.blingcartel.com. Not all grillz are the same and grills come
in a wide range of prices, starting from around 10 bucks to hundreds or
thousands of dollars. Actually, if you just want some just for fun, you can
get some cheap one-size-fits all grills.
You can find single tooth grillz, top teeth grillz, bottom teeth grillz
and full grillz sets. The grillz at Bling Cartel are manufactured from
brass and coated with gold plating for the gold tone grillz, and a
rhodium plating for the silver platinum tone grills. These grillz are
very affordable and you can get them fitted to your teeth in less than
five minutes. There is a special silicone molding bar that softens when
placed in very hot water, which you then use as a grillz mold for your
teeth. Show yo grillz!