when i was 14 some chick came up behind me and pantsed me during gym class when i was swinging on a soccer goal post. she came right up behind me, pretty well whipped my shorts and boxers right fucking off, and it was all a pretty big laugh to everyone as i jumped to the ground and tried to cover myself with my tshirt. of course i was embarrassed, but i just let it go. a few days later my mom noticed i was acting different at home because i was still being razzed a little big for it (and nobody likes to be the butt of ridicule) so i spilled the beans and told her the story.
the next day she went to the office with me and spoke to the principal about it and the girl got a little talking to and that was over.
can you imagine if a dude went up behind a girl and pulled her pants off in front of a crowd?
i too have a problem with a lot of these inconsistencies.