So I've finished analysing all the data I got, thanks very much to everyone that took the questionnaire. It was a massive help and I ended up with 103 respondents overall so I was really pleased with that.
The results aren't really all that exciting, skiers and snowboarders had really similar levels of sensation seeking attributes (how likely someone is took go after new sensations and are willing to take risks to get them).
Skiers had an average score of 22.45 out 32 and boarders had an average of 21 out of 32, the difference is hardly worth talking about and both scores are pretty high which was kind of expected.
I also tried to measure risk perceptions through injury and found that high sensation seeking isn't predictive of low risk perception. People who had been injured in the last 24 months had an average score of 22.38 out of 32 and those who hadn't been injured had an average score of 21.6 out of 32. It's such a small difference it doesn't really mean anything. The only issue with this was that one question on injury isn't the best way to measure someones risk perception.
As a kind of side not I also found that sensation seeking drops with age, although it's not a significant drop.
That's the full version of the questionnaire if anyone wants it, it'll give you your own score and a breakdown of the results.
Again thanks a lot to everyone that answered the survey especially seeing as I left it so late.