whats up, havent posted in awhile and i something has happend to me and it worthy of a post...
well last saturday, i was mountain biking up in the santa cruz mountain area, and i hit a gnarly drop. it was only about 5-7 feet but the landing was about a foot wide with a half foot deep rutin the middle from water run-off. I went ahead and did the drop, as i landed the grip slipped off shooting my shoulder strait into a rock....i then proceeded to sit there for 25 minutes as my friends tried to get cell reception. the paramedics came rushed me to the ER, and then it began. I was in too much pain to move, so they gave me the max dose of morphine. then another nurse came by asking if it hurt and it still did, so she proceeded to give me much more morphine through my iv (without my permission). then about 10 minutes later the pain was still too intense to be moved to the xray room. i was then givin two oxy cotton. at this point it all hit me, and i was nice andnumb for about 15 minutes until i started feeling drunk. as time proceeded, i felt like i might pass out from too many opiates. then the nurse gave me more morphine. then for two days i was unable to see strait nor drink much or eat. i most definately ODed, but without my control. i also went to two hospitals and neither can figure out whats totally wrong. one place told me i had no breaks or dislocations, just that i ripped 3 ligaments in my shoulder. the other hospital said i had a beken collarbone aswell as fractured shoulder blade. im not sitting on my couch with a really fucked up shoulder still fucked from the meds.ive taken all the same meds before just much lower dose and i was fine.
if you fidnt read all that, i ate shit. wasdrugged to the max at the hospital for multiple days for no good reason. then in the end they left me how i started, with no credible information about whatswrong with me. sorry for typos, im typing with just my left hand since my
right arm cant move