The basic jist of this thread (in case you don't wanna read all of my ramble) is the question How did you pay for college? And how the fuck is it possible to balance a decent social life, skiing and other hobbies, doing decently in school, and work?
I've come to that awkward point that im finishing up my second year in community college and now its hitting me. I have a 3.5 gpa and a good base of all the classes that i will need for the environmental science degree that im trying to peruse, and now i need to move on to a 4 year college for another 2 years to finish up get my degree. The problem is: the government is lending us 8 grand out of the 18 grand we need, i have a 3.5 gpa which is good but not scholarship worthy, and even though both my parents work full time they are retarded with there money and haven't saved anything, and can hardly contribute anything for some strange reason.
So now im flapping in the wind wondering how everyone except me has this on lock. I consider it mostly my fault because looking back if i did amazing in high school i might have gotten some grants and scholarships ect, but it still wouldn't have been enough. I calculated my summer income, and after gas, a small trip to surf and normal items to survive i will have 2800$ to contribute to my college fund and to survive till my winter job starts.
so ns, even though some smart guys about to make fun of me, how did you people pay for college? and enjoy having a somewhat fun time with hobbies and a social life on the side? I know most of you are lazy potheads, how did you do it? Why am i so fucked? Should i just start hunting alligators like the people on discovery channel instead? Should i start robbing walmarts?