Yeah we didn't. So why did you have to bring it up?
Calling me a neo-con? Really? I openly support gay marriage, am pro-choice, and acknowledge global climate change. Seeing as you have never even met me it's kinda crazy that you would assert that in a thread that was just meant to remember a great leader.
FINALLY, we agree.
Feminist bullshit? Really? If you even bothered to read what I wrote you would see that I was simply providing an example as to why (even if you disagree with her politics) she can be appreciated universally. I just said I was proud of her to overcome the social bullshit of her day to become the UK's first female prime minister. I never suggested that you didn't see her as an equal, and I know you aren't dense enough to believe that back then being a woman in politics wasn't difficult.
Well, for starters, you insulted me by calling me a "neo-con" and basically insinuating that I am some sort of insane right-winger, which really isn't the case. As I have said before, the purpose of this thread was to just remember what a great lady Margaret Thatcher was. Everyone (even if they didn't particularly like what she had to say) can acknowledge that she left a pretty powerful legacy. So shut up and don't post if you don't care or have nothing nice to say.