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Favorite Propaganda Segment?
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Just wondering, what is everyone's favorite propaganda segment? Mine is either JP Auclair's or Boyd Easly... Those two are great.
That dream where you're falling, that's fun to me...
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I like the whole movie but if I had to pick my favorite sections I would say I liked Jon, Pollard, and Auclairs sections the most.
i love socks, their so cool! socks! and star trek!
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fuck jean philippe.
boyd's and vinnie's segments were absolutely the best ones.
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jon, tanner
remember yesterday.live for today.plan for tommorrow.
-686 enterprises
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deffinatly jon, but boyd's was a close second
Damn straight things are happenin' in the midwest!
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definatly Jons
And all the worlds a terrain park, and the people are merely jibbers.
-NewSchool Shakspere
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J.P.'s was pretty sick, with the house jumping and everything, but jon's was by far the sickest
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I like JP's segment because he does all sorts of stuff. I like Boyd's segment because he seems to do more switch landings than the others. And lastly I like Eric Pollard's and Mike Nick's segment because they look real smooth.
Posts: 14044
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Julien's segment. it's got everything I want in a segment. flow, smooth style, some nice urban rails (could have better rails), backcountry hits, big smooth tricks, a bit of pow and pillow lines... definitly a sick segment.
Darryl Hunt
aka - highschool (even though I've fuckin' graduated already - damn you jodi!!! DAMN YOU!!!)
representing the H.J.S. forever
Marge: 'Homer no, you'll kill us all'
Homer: 'Or die trying!'
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tanner, boyd and jon
Skiing In New Jersey Sucks-Trust Me
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Julien and EP fo sho... except i'm getting fuckin sick of the damn swollen members already.
'what the fuck you mean is he fuckin dead? the nigga layin there wid all types of fuckin blood comin out his head'
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jon's and vinnie's, jon has a wide variety of stuff, and vinnie is just a bad ass...
'Of course it hurts if you get your balls seperated by a five-inch-wide rail. But if you don't try, what's the point of doing anything?'
-Phil Larose, Canadian skier dude
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For good skiing, JP and Jon
For good music, Vinnie(Ante Up) and Jon(Fuck Authority)
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Yankees Suck
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Tanner and Boyd's were sick! i thought sara's was pretty good too!
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vinnie, jp, and tanners segments were the shit, above all others
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i like jon's segment, one reasone is because Pennywise kicks asssss!
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fuck athority seemed to be a perfect song for his segment.... one thing i definatley like about it was how the climax of the song came when he got huge air on the hip and everyone was cheering and stuff.
And all the worlds a terrain park, and the people are merely jibbers.
-NewSchool Shakspere
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yea, i'm really getting annoyed with Swollen Members... after the past few years of hearing them EVERYWHERE they got played out really fast. Still a really good segment though (refering to Julien). I liked JF's and the 3 Phil's segments too... both 'cause Face to Face is a kick ass band, and JF's 'cause he does a bunch of sick shit (his flatspin mute at the end is really, really nice for example), and the 3 Phils just 'cause I am a huge fan of the 3 Phils' skiing (Larose in perticular). Kinda dissapointed in how they all got thrown into one kinda short segment togeather, oh well - Royalty makes up for that.
Darryl Hunt
aka - highschool (even though I've fuckin' graduated already - damn you jodi!!! DAMN YOU!!!)
representing the H.J.S. forever
Marge: 'Homer no, you'll kill us all'
Homer: 'Or die trying!'
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f r e e r i d e z o n e d o t c o m
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i know this is a bit off subject sorry but i dont like face to face nearly as much as i used to... i saw them live in may.. and they suck a dick live...
'what the fuck you mean is he fuckin dead? the nigga layin there wid all types of fuckin blood comin out his head'
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i like mike douglas, he never does anything too spectatcular, but the music (veteran) kicks ass. it's also cool seeing the godfather himself doin d-spins
Word up to all the subie owners out there!
Co-FOunder of the Low Summit Kicker Posse
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yeah mds seg was good too, nice to see all backcountry stuff
Skiing In New Jersey Sucks-Trust Me
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I can't believe I forgot Shane Szocs' and Mike Douglas' segment.
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phils, and mike d
Yea I love face to face, but I also did hear they sucked live.
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paul cotter, intro... back to rail segment. the sickest segment in props.
jon jon olsson segment was sick too. i personally liked the rookies section. that massive leap from 3 stories up was friggin ill~
Fear is the mind killer!
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pollards and julien's, they were both sick. mike d. had a really good segment as well.
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this topic shouldnt be which one is the favorite but which one is the worst...... because sooo many of them are very good, jon, boyd, tanner, mike D, pollard ,(not mike nick) jf ,vinnie and philou and kisti and that whole crew all have just, dope!!!! segments, the only one i dont like is shannon's..... hes a bad ass skier i just dont dig the segment. propaganda, in my opinion is the best ski movie ever,
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Mike D doesn't do anything cool? I didn't see anyone else spinning D spins off a 20 foot cornice. Jon's segment was easily the best though I think
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there are a lot of good segments in the movie, philou, evan, mike D. just a few.
I'm not supposed to eat the lego, but the green ones make me horny.
'It's like I'm Shane McConkey, and you are Saucerboy!'-Dan the ski tech.
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i can't believe no one mentioned the Kingpin segment! that shit was money.
'no no no, that's all behind me now.... why, are you buying?'
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One of the reasons I liked JP's so much is because of the crazy stuff he does like jump houses, ski bus stops, the loop, huge step up, and ski chimineys... Just kinda fresh. For skiing I think Jon & Boyd have the best.
That dream where you're falling, that's fun to me...
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what about steele spence his scene was one of the best in my mind jp jon and pollard had sic scenes and whos tired of swollen members are the best rap band out there and i hate rap
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i think the best scene is JP's by far. if i had to show people a scene about what skiing was i'd show them that. second was, steeles, anthony boronowski, boyds, and pollards.
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the pollard and nick section was the coolest. the music, the style, the tricks. it was cool.
semin in my heart tonight.
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In the DVD there is a little segment of mikael deschaneax in the menu part, but he isnt in the movie ?????????? that is weirds
so i said to her 'look baby,i'm not saying your not beutifal, i'm just not sure my man in there wants to pay for it'
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Yeah. Tanner and Jon's segments are best.
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steele spence cause it show's him partying!!!!!!!!!!!
flashs on tha first rail ( switch up))
President of the crazed posting brother of NS.com
I'm feeling greeaaaattt!!!!
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What about Philou's... I thought his segment was badass
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i could watch that movie over and over, wait a minute, i do, i must of seen it like 100 to 200 times.
Anyways i liked JP Auclairs the most but then the more i watched it the more i liked Vincent Dorions and still do, i just love his style and his railsliding in Propoganda, so he gets it from me for sure
if i gave a shit, you would smell it.
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well I liked a lot of the segments, jons, Tanners, Mike D, Vinnie and Philou's were all sick!
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J.P.'s and Jon's
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boyd and RL
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i really liked jon's and mike d's part
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Jons becuse of PW! and Vinnies because hes my fave. skiier and that rad switch corked 7 mute he does!
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Definatly Steele killing the Roller Coaster Rail was one of the finer points of the movie.
That dream where you're falling, that's fun to me...
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i think the the whole thing was one heck of a bad arse movie. for favorite segments, i would jon ollsen, vinnie,and shane szoces for style and music
Posts: 284
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i used to think jp's but i watched it recently and i gotta say jon's for sure, theres one trick i cant rmeeber what it is but it has to be the smoothest switch landing ive ever seen he barely bends his knees,
This isnt 'Nam Dude, this is bowling there are rules
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yah those segs are all tite....but jf still had my favorite segment...those flatspin 9 tails are so sick and stylie...and he does everything steele spence does on the rainbowand hex rails but better bc its with switch ups
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whole movie
i like the baclfip to rail in beginning
i wont drop out of high school for skiing, mom
any fate questions or orders, let me know.
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