Warning: This thread isn't supposed to shame or due anything in a negative nature to Saga. More so than anything is a " You didn't fly under the radar" and " you done got seen"
Anyways, yesterday (April 3rd) at a store I work at in Park City, a I saw either one of the following:
A: 2 guys from the Saga team coming in and looking at product that we sell at our store.
B: 2 guys one of them definitely from Saga looking at product for either material or ideas or something.
My guess is option B due to the fact that neither one of them looked like any of their team riders. Now I know one for a fact was from Saga due to his dress, he was with a friend that I assume was from Saga as well, but real visual marks that proved that point.
Either way I knew what you were up to from the second you walked into the store. The big dead give away was that you were wearing next year clothing lineup and were decked out head to toe in Saga. (I sold quite a bit Saga at a previous job before I moved down to Utah, so I am very familiar with what is currently being sold vs. what is next year's stuff)
More so than anything I found this quite funny and amusing to watch whoever it was walk around the store and try to play off what their real intent was which was obviously looking at the competition as they went straight to look at the outerwear gear (pants, jackets, gloves).
Now I could be wrong here and it could be a completely different story. However, based off what I saw yesterday it didn't appear that way at all.
If Saga knows anything about this, I would love to see what they know about this situation as I got quite a laugh out of it when they left.
And for those of you who are going to rage: yes, I know this is common practice to get competition product and compare it to see what they are up against... I know.
Just the manner that they tried to play off what they were doing was what got me.