ideally, for me, you would not be denied care for life threatening emergencies, as far as how to pay for it? well as it is now, hospitals cover that cost by charging more for other peoples treatments, they bill you until you pay it, if you dont pay it, they report you to collections, they may work with you to reduce the bill, find a payment program etc.. not a horrible system, but definitely not ideal.
Im open to the idea of taxes picking up the slack that patients "cant" but im not open to the idea of paying for other peoples full healthcare coverage. i pretty much believe you should be responsible for every bit of your healthcare, the service of healthcare is not a right. its when it becomes life threatening that im open to a more universal care approach, as at that point, you could argue that its your right to life (even though the right to life is just saying you have the right to not have your life taken from you) but at that point, your forcing doctors to provide service and someone else to pay for it.