I've got several, but I'll just discuss my main ones:
The bull shark on my left lower leg was done in 2006. I got it not only because I love sharks, but because the gashes symbolize how sharks have been around for 550 million years, yet humans have come along and completely decimated their populations in a short period. They've been through a lot of shit, yet they still fight to stay around, like me!
On my ribs are a silky shark, white-tip reef shark, a blue spotted stingray, a green spot nudibranch, and a reef scene. I've been pretty obsessed with Elasmobranchii for the past fifteen years and eventually want to be a research biologist studying sharks/rays.
The rib piece is connected to a mountain scene on my back of Hatcher Pass, Alaska (where I grew up skiing) as seen at night with the northern lights through a frost-covered window. Pretty self-explanatory. I've always wanted a tattoo on my back because I have extremely severe scoliosis, and people would always gasp in horror or whatever when they'd look at my back. I wanted them to look at it and see something beautiful, and so there you have it.
My right arm has a black and grey sleeve. My upper arm has another mountain scene with a river, but it's of fall (hunting season). It's from a photo I took while on my moose hunt, and it's currently incomplete. There will soon be a moose on the inside of my bicep. There are three sets of footprints through the woods along the bank of the river (not shown in photos) that symbolize my three brothers who were shot and killed by their mother on March 16, 2004. Their last name was Woods. I like symbology more than words and numbers for tattoos. The river flows down my arm and zooms in to show sockeye salmon jumping upstream on the Kenai River up my forearm. Alaska is obviously very important to me.
Ha well, these photos show my tattoos the best, I suppose.