so i am a junior in HS and stopped playing lacrosse this year just because of ski injuries and the fact i dont like the coaches
i have been sailing since i was 5 mostly on the lakes in NH for the summer and in the ocean back here in Boston
so i decided to do team sailing this year.
i plan on being a crew member for v squad and a skipper on JV but idk really yet
i need some stuff for it this season like a new life jacket and dry suit
i have nice sailing life jacket in Maine but my mom and dad think i should just get a new one and was wondering if anybody had an suggestion on what to get, i was thinking of a gill one because i know lots of guys have them and they are reliable but i dont know really, i have a MTI one in maine but its kinda small
also i need a drysuit, like what to spring sailors wear, i have only ever sailed in the ocean with a life jacket and shorts so i know i need a drysuit so i dont die on the water, any suggestion on that would be awesome, link would help a ton everybody
+k or sticker to anybody who can reallt help me out
thanks NS