Do it. This guy is awesome and has potential to be big.
Here's a guy who plays multiple instruments, applies technology in a very unique way, and is a talented lyricist.
His album Just Movement recently released and it is awesome. 12 songs that flow together nicely, hit different vibes, and send some great messages. You may have heard "Global Concepts," but "Just Movement," "Happy," "Complex By Degree," "Few Years Make," and "Basically, I" are all songs to check out too, and it doesn't stop with those. I'd recommend you all give it a listen.
I saw him live and he was very good. Great show. He'll be playing at a few big name festivals this summer (Gov's Ball, Coachella, etc.). Really cool guy too.
Here's a live set with a few songs from Just Movement included. A good sample of what he has to offer.

Robert DeLong, everybody.