Replying to Storry time with shredski
So this one time I was shredding the Gnar, you know, getting pitted and what not and this Guy whose name was probally douche, cut me off. Naturally, I was "don't sweat it." But this douche was all "woah I challenge you too a duel of the wits." I accepted. Obviously. We start tearing down this trail drop kicking lollies and planting on trees, using people as gates and just jacking their shit up. So this Guy has gerbils in his pockets and start hucking them at me. He was all " these should slow you down." I took one to the grill. Tasted like a salty dick. So I kicked in my turbos and caught him. Later I fucked his bitch. She had the largest fucking tits ever. But the were in proportion so whatever. The ratio was firmly intacted. Turns out I beat him and tossed some Gnar ass trick, he also had a hot mom and sister I plowed with my Wang.
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