Hate to do this but the dude has been warned and received plenty of opportunity to make this right.
OK so here it goes. On February 7th 2013 I bought this Pieps Beacon from this dude, BCASSASSIN AKA Kevin Kent from Helena MT and have been RIPPED OFF. Sales thread here
Does anybody know the guy? The dude has good feedback here (although nothing recent) and that is why I did the deal with him.
I don't know what happened to him but he has not responded to any of my 5 PM's and emails I've sent him in the last three weeks on this forum and TGR as well as his email mtbackcountry7@gmail.com despite him having been online on Newschoolers both on March 2nd and 10th according to his account info. I have not received my beacon or any confirmation from him that it was sent.
Perhaps something happened to him the moment I confirmed that a $110 money order with his name on it was mailed to him, because nothing but radio silence after that.

At any rate until it is found out why he never responded to any one of my inquiries or why he ripped me off or makes this right....
Not sure how a dude with 1300 + posts since march 2011 turns bad but this dude did. maybe he got busted for growing pot and is in the slammer? I don't know but even there he could have responded to my emails as he has been online and on Newschoolers at least twice that I know off since our deal.
He was warned and given opportunity to respond before I posted this but again, radio silence.
here is my correspondence with BCASSASSIN AKA KEVIN KENT, not a single response:
You were online again yesterday, so you have seen my messages and have still chosen to ignore me. Nothing ever arrived in the mail from you.
You seemed to be legit 6 months ago last time somebody wrote something good about you, you are a dad and have kids so you should be a moral ethical dude I'd hope, not sure what changed in you life to drive you to screw somebody for $110??
This is you last chance to make this right, and explain why I have not received the beacon from you or a single response to any of my inquiries over the last 3 weeks. If I don't hear back from you, I'm going public to let others know that you are a thief. I'm not going to let you fuck somebody else over.
You have till end of day today. If there is a good explanation to all this my apologies in advance for my hash words, but your persistent non response lead to a single conclusion.
I dealt with you because you seam 100% legit.
I PM'ed you on TGR two Fridays ago and emailed the bellow to you at the beginning of the day last Friday. You have not given me the courtesy of a response to either.
One then starts thinking the obvious, perhaps something has happened the the dude... I hope he's OK or didn't fall off a cliff in BC, but further investigation shows that you are alive and well and have been online since my last email to you on Friday so you should have seen my emails and PM's.
I in good faith, based on our mutually agreed upon terms, sent you $110 dollars US on February 7th 2013 for your pips freeride beacon.
I have not received the beacon yet and or any communication from you since I confirmed sending you the money. You are now seemingly ignoring my communications.
I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that somehow there is an extremely unusual postal delay and or you somehow have not seen my communications. Dude if you where late sending the thing, just tell me, that's fine, at least I know what to expect rather than have to worry I got ripped off. But if you continue to choose to not to respond, I can only draw that conclusion which I will then have to deal with in other ways.
So one last time, Kevin, what's going on? Can you please confirm when and how and to where you shipped the beacon?
Cheers dude
On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 11:12 AM, Matthew R wrote:
Can you please confirm when and how and to where you shipped the beacon? I never received the message that you shipped it like you said you would do in your last email to me on Feb 7th. Today is three weeks from the Friday (Feb 8th) we agreed you would ship it and the package has not yet arrived and was not in the mail today.
I PM'ed you this same question on TGR last week and did not get a response back from you.
I can only assume you have already received payment in the mail, which I'll ask that you also please confirm.
On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 9:55 PM, Kevin Kent wrote:
Looks good my friend, I will ship it out tomorrow with your customs instructions and message you after.