So today I went in to get a ski mounted, and I had a very interesting experience with one of the shop employees.
I wanted to know what he would recommend for mounting position for my binding for the type of skiing that I do. (for reference this is for the Rossignol scimitar which has a mounting line at 0 (recommended) -2 (2 cm back from recommended) and +5 (center mount)). So when I told him what kind of skiing I would be doing he proceeded to tell me how the -2 mark was the factory recommended line for skiing all mountain type terrain, the 0 line was center mount for park, and the +5 line was +5 from the true center of the ski, for pipe and stuff I guess...
I then asked to talk to the ski tech who I told this story to and reassured me what I though about the mounting lines, I then told him i wanted them at recommended so he went to mount them.
It truly amazes me how some people can get jobs at ski shops with so little knowledge about skis.