If you don't know what it is, the whole purpose is to be a huge progression session with the top girls somewhere in Italy.
The Queens:
Virginie Faivre
Eva Patscheider
Zuzana Stromkova
Lisa Zimmermann
Katie Summerhayes
Coline Ballet Baz
Grete Eliassen
Emma Dahlström
Tiril Sjastad Christiansen
Meg Olenick
Dania Assaly
Sylvia Bertagna
Maude Raymond
Keri Herman
Jaime Crane-Mauzy (claiming it on twitter but not on 9queens site)
My list of girls to watch are Lisa Zimmerman, Coline Ballet-Baz, Tiral, Jaime and Maude. I'm kind of surprised Kaya isn't on the list considering she was billed as one of the queens.
The jump.
There's some sort of side feature jibs and a qp thing as well but there aren't any good pics of them.
I think this is going to be the breakout session that girls start doing dubs. Lisa already has one. Anyone else think so?