Beyonce really grind my gears. How her and JayZ rented out an entire hospital floor just to have their one kid? Heres an idea, why don't you just hire doctors to come to your house and deliver your baby instead of not allowing people to get treated in a public hospital? Also, how she lip synced the inauguration and then said "well duh, it was the inauguration, I didn't wanna screw up." Here's another idea, why don't we hire someone who has the actual talent to ACTUALLY SING at the god damn presidential inauguration. I understand Beyonce is obviously talented and that Jay Z is a successful entrepreneur/businessman in the music industry, and I do respect them in that way, but I also think that they are pretty obnoxious in a lot of ways and they represent what is wrong with America. Bring on the hate.
Ps.- Feel free to add any Kanye West hate in this thread too, that dude sucks as well. Gotta love Deadmau5's latest quote about him: "I fucking hate him." Haha