every person that you've seen in your entire life has a story behind their life, this is what most people fail to realize when they're looking at work of a photographer who does portraits. i only recently realized this and the significance behind it and it pisses me off when people say portraits are boring. they're more fascinating than any of us could ever imagine
every place you've glanced at has had a tragic event and a joyous event occur there at one point
all those run down stores and shops or the "FOR SALE" signs, they're all physical representations of somebody's life-long dream torn apart
someone died in many different places you've been to
i don't know if you any of you out there have that one song that means the world to you like i do, whether it carries significance personally like the memory of a lost loved one or just simply brings you back to a good memory, but its weird to think about how every random song you've heard carries incredible importance to somebody out there
i also like to keep in mind that most people you see on a daily basis will never see you again their entire lives.... so sometimes i do things in wonder of it it could be remembered by the people around me
i also like to look at people and wonder what they've been through all their lives... if they've had a good day or a bad day or a good year or a bad year... if i read a book of their life, would i find it interested.... would they find my story interesting.... shit like this is pretty cool to think about
last thing i promise, but whenever i see a plane i imagine that i'm someone on that plane looking out of the window and i think it's hilarious that i'm looking at the plane and someone on the plane could be looking right at me and they'd never know it and neither would i