Am I disappointed that WOR advertised a roster of "confirmed" athletes and a handful of probably the heaviest hitters were not there..?
Was I pleased with what I saw from who actually showed up or who they actually DID confirm..?
Very much so!
Do I think LJ is a good skier,
Was I impressed with watching LJ just misty flip off everything and pull off a double flip..?
No. This was a rail jam not a big air contest. (see comment above before talking shit please)
Would I have hucked mistys and ugly double flips for 30k?
Can I do misty flips off rails and double flips?
Am I proud of what I saw a WOR from LJ?
Do I know why all the bigger names did not show up?
Am I going to talk shit about Coker, Bear, the athletes that did not show/may or may not have actually been "confirmed".
No. (I have no idea why so many of them were not there)