in fact, most of the time the skiing part is not the biggest factor of why people get free skis.
not talking about real sponsored riders here, but coaches or skiers with a lot of connections on the hill get their skis easier for free than others.
these guys represent your company by talking to kids, recommending your product on the lift, explaining the technology, telling other people where they can test the skis, maybe even have rental bindings on to let others try them straight away... this is word to mouth marketing, people get a relation to the product way easier and this increases sales more than some ski edit on the internet.
the problem with skiers who put out edits nowadays is just that there are so many. how do kids really remember some am skiers? they need to throw some real special shit to get enough recognition.
good example in that case is the evan williams edit of kieran mc veigh it at the beginning of this year. perfect representing of nordica skis, different style, a vid to remember.
kinda went off topic, but yeah, max morello should get a sponsor asap =)