I haven't skiied it in a few years. DIdn't buy the pass last 2 seasons to Squaw.
Look I was trying to make a point that when it comes to chill people you meet out and about doing things the older someone is the more thorough they are gonna be.
This pertains to some things and not others (like golf those old niggas are annoying as fuck) I find the older someone is on the mountain the more bad ass they are. I don't find many people 10-20 years older than me as hard core as dude 30-40.
ANd that I haven't come across nearly as many ill skiiers as I should considering most of this website can make a better edit than me. Or that I shred a lot. We all watch other skiiers from the lift, I want to know where the people ripping shit up are I don't see my fair share of them that is all? If I buy a Squaw pass and shred it next year maybe I'll see more. Whatever year I decide to take a British Columbia trip will be the one I get a Squaw and Rose pass and no Epic might be next season or in 2-3 years cause you get free Whistler for a couple days. (Wanna go back to Vancouver too.)
And finally I made a point that the old folks who deserve unconditional respect for fighting in WW2 are gone or 90+ now a days in 2013.
Dunno why there's butthurt up the ass over that post. Was just talkin about legit ass old people they used to be everywhere as a little kid now they're hit or miss.