Hey awesome edit! I'll be sure to watch out for more of yours. Don't take my post here as a negative comment because it's definitely not, the good in this video is amazing, and the bad isn't really that bad anyways, I just think it could turn this edit from a solid one to an amazing one. Plus you told us to critique it so here it is
1. On all of the shots, establish whether or not you want them as handheld or tripod shots. If you try to hand hold a stable shot it can look lame, and the second shot was definitely headed there, so just throw it on a tripod. Motion from the camera looks cool but only when something else is in motion
2. Don't go from super extreme DOF's. In the beginning you were rockin like F/2 it seemed and then the next one was like f/11 or 16. It's not bad to have one or the other but try to stay consistent because sometimes it ends up looking like you had your friends awesome camera to borrow one day, and then had to go back to your shitty camera the next (notice the bias, I like short DOF)
3. Cut the clips so they change on regular intervals, like beats or something, it keeps the viewer less disoriented.
4. Maybe try playing around with color settings next time and see how that changes the mood, maybe with that piano you could give the whites a more blue hue to sort of give it a more mellow feel, whereas a more upbeat edit would have a warmer color gamut.
5. I noticed that in one section the skier hiked and you clipped it to suggest an elapse of time, I totally saw where you were going with that, but it wasn't quite there. Maybe have him move twice or three times, not just once.
6. Don't ever zoom in or out during a recording. Ever. If you clip the segments of the actual zoom segment and make it cut from one focal length to another to the beat of the music, great. But unless you can zoom like you have a cine lens, don't.
Now the things I like, and that you NEED to keep!
1. Original music! Never heard it before. Super awesome on that. It was good music too. I never heard some of the music from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, but I certainly wasn't missing out. But this was quality stuff.
2. Short DOF! quality DSLR shooting with some quality lenses. Nice job on that one.
3. Lots of varied clips! The increase in clips once the skier got going really changed the pace, and you did a phenomenal job of conveying motion through your clips.
4. Setup! You took time to take every shot you made, and I could tell the skier didn't ski that line once or even a few times. It took a lot of work to film all that, and I like it.
Not trying to sound conceited here, but it looks like you spent a lot of time on this edit, and I wouldn't put this much time into a critique that I thought was mediocre, so you should feel happy that someone sat here for ten minutes writing about how well he thought you did on your edit! So nice job there. I hope you take my thoughts into consideration :) 10/10 karma and stuffs