Over the past 10 days I have done four things that have honestly changed my perspective on things, made me feel better/happier/healthier, and opened up my mind a little more. Thought I'd share.
1.) Delete your Facebook...Do it, at least for a month or two. Facebook has become so creepy and over the top recently with all their ads bullshit and how they can track you across whatever website you are on via your interests. After deleting it, you have a lot more time on your hands for better things and you look back upon it and see how ridiculous and shallow it's concept is.
2.)Get a Stumble account. Honestly, "stumbling" the internet is awesome. Not only is it informational, but it reminds you of all the insanely amazing things that are out there in the world. Places to visit, crazy technologies being invented, and useful random things such as "30 books to read before you are 20" and "26 things you understand by the age of 26." Substituting my Facebook time with this has made me more interested in the world than I have ever been and made me want to start planning trips and to start becoming a better person overall. I'd recommend checking the "travel/science/outdoors" type of interests, some mind blowing shit out there. Although many of you probably already have a Stumble.
3.) Quit drinking/partying for a little while. After an insane night of drugs and drinking for Swedish House Mafia in SF last week, I decided to chill out for a few days, and I feel amazing. This, accompanied with skiing, feels absolutely awesome.
4.)Eat (somewhat) healthy. I'm not doiny any crazy healthy dieting, but I'm definitely eating healthier, drinking tons of water, and avoiding junk, which in turn makes the body feel pretty fuckin good.
I know these are somewhat obvious things, but I've started them all pretty much all at once and it's crazy how much different you feel/act/see your daily life. Just thought I'd share. Let me know what you guys think and PM me with any questions.