While a agree that this bill is dildos, the motivation behind the bill in not unfounded. With "Backcoutnry" skiing being all the rage and the general public having the notion that there are no dangers involved with it, people are going out of bounds despite their lack of knowledge and skill. For example Killington has had huge issues with people skiing out of bounds and getting themselves into trouble this year. Keep in mind that these people are people who truly have no business being there. For example an elderly man and his nephew ducked a rope and blindly headed away from the ski area. They got stuck and as the sun was going down they called 911 and had to be rescued or they would have been forced to spend the night.
Although Vermont does not equal Utah there are idiots everywhere, regardless of the terrain. Ideally, this bill would be to try to deter everybody and their grandmother from ducking the ski area boundary and getting in over their head. Hopefully it would not be used to give experienced skiers a hard time. This bill would be used to punish those who have no business going out of bounds but still do. It would not be used to prevent people from accessing sidecounty terrain. Its dildos but used correctly could help save the Vermont taxpayers some money and help to avoid a possible tragedy by trying to deter a buch of retarded monkeys from skiing out of bounds.
Also if, god forbid, someone was to go out of bounds, get stuck and die. The family could probably sue the shit out of the resort. With a law in place like this it would protect the ski area to some degree.