I am in need of money to fund my clothing addiction so i decided to put up the two things i dont need/wear any longer
Offer up, no lowballs please.
Im really looking for ray ban orginal or new wayfarers
1st up is my 5XL Jiberish Dripset
Very lightly worn, it is still super comfy
Not much cracking on the pocket, you have to be a foot away to really notice it
I would give it an 8.5 out of 10
Drawstring is still in the hood
Looks great under jackets
Put in a drawstring so it isnt a dress

2nd is my most beloved/ coolest tall thing i own:
An XL Syrup Vest.
Bought the jacket from a friend and cut the sleeves off, looks sick
Professionally sewn, i have worn it 10+ days and havent had a problem with it
Small holes in the front pocket, and a very faint stain on the butt
Cant really see either defect, holes are about as small as the very end of a earphone jack (the very tip)