PLEASE Help me WIN a trip to AK for Tailgate Alaska!
Hey guys, I put together a backcountry edit for the Freeskier
Magazine's Tailgate Alaska contest and was wondering if you guys could
help me out huge by going to the VIMEO page of my video and clicking
"like" on my edit. The more "likes" and views will increase my chances
of winning a $5,000 trip to AK to ski and party, probably the biggest
dream of my life!
HUGE THANKS if you guys end up do helping me out by watching and
"liking" my edit on Vimeo!!!
Cheers! Hope you guys watch and enjoy! And everyone pray for more SNOW!
Here is a link to the vimeo page and I also embed below.
Freeskier Magazine’s Ticket to Tailgate: Jeremy Lato from Jeremy Lato on Vimeo.