So I think I have a pretty good insight on this...
But first let me say a few things, one Nick is an amazing skier and clearly one of the best in the world at slope-style. Two he goes out there and skis for fun all day everyday (like all of us), none of this bullshit propaganda that dumbass Sprigs is spreading that he skis for paychecks.
But people who say oh if he put on baggy clothing he would be like like Henrik or Tom... No i don't think that is true at all. Those two guys have a very unique and amazing style that is much more than just their outerwear... You have to realize what you guys are saying if you have a big bag of technical tricks if you add baggy clothing to the mix you become one of the steeziest skiers in the world. This is defiantly not true.
However, I will say the clothes you wear can definitely influence your style... I mean at least for me (and this sounds super lame) if I get new outerwear I def try to adjust my style to be more smooth or change certain fundamentals of how I ski. If nick started wearing baggier clothing I could definitely see that happening to him... But just dressing him up differently isn't going to change his style.
As to his style now I don't think there is anything wrong with it... Given it isn't my cup of tea per say, but I don't think it is "bad" at all. His style is based on okay "let me get the cleanest grab as possible while trying to get the cleanest landing as well," and it has been that way for years since I grew up riding with the kid. I think what makes for example wallisch style so good is that he focuses on "let me try and make this trick look as easy as possible" and you can clearly see that in his riding.
The whole point of freeskiing is to be able to emphasize whatever part of style you like, and like saying "oh x that shit is wack, B&E wutang is what everyone needs to do" is completely against the founding principles of this sport. Just my 2cents.