yeah the part of where he was exactly 16 was weird I guess, but you think I staged this? what?
I hate how you post like that, you lie/add things I never said and exaggerate it to a whole new level, I contacted police today and new nothing about their parents until a couple hours ago you seriously are retarded the police even said your ipad is last priority, i was in the police car talking to him giving my info/statment/whatever
And of course I'm pressing charges, this kid is probably a scumbag thinking he do whatever he wants, if I let him go he'll keep stealing, pressing charges makes him think of how serious of and issue it is, and wat the fuck kind of pictures do you want? i'm sure the state trooper would mind me taking a picture of him, and I'm not taking pictures of my icloud/his location for obvious reasons
I don't care think it's a lie, I don't care. and I'm actually thinking about not pressing charges because of his future life, I just want him to realize that stealing is a big deal