further evidence...video contest winners, including a 6'8 sharpshooter who was on Syracuse last year, getting destroyed by the "worst" NBA player of the past decade (allegedly, i argue the man is a legend and far better than he ever got credit for)
vid wont embed follow link...
seriously though, park skiing is a sport where you have to be good at EVERYTHING to get noticed. examples: slumdog edit, y'all forgot simon used to slay rails until this came out..wallisch in SFSH bonus i think, booting 18 foot 10s and flares out of the pipe....we consider comptor andy and will rail purests but Andy used to slay Keystones big line and will is one of the most techy and stylish single-corkers there is
its not like snowboarding where you can get huge doing nothing but rails or nothing but jumps. two of my snowboard friends i have in mind that have decent hookups, id consider the best rail rider one and best jump i know the other, rail rider can sometimes kinda do 7s, jumper have 5 or 6 different doubles and has tried trips but is below average (for breck) on rails