Yeah its a pretty simple effect. You just need to track the footage. This will give you a null in AE. Then create the graphic from 1 frame in the video. The video clip does not change angle much so thats why they can draw the box in one position and it does not look to bad.
Once you have the image for one clip, do any animation you want and attach it to the null, so it will follow the video.
Lastly you may need to roto out the skater and put just him on a layer over the box graphic so it looks like he is onto of the graphics.
Pretty easy to do, it gets harder if you want it to look good. If you look at that example the perspective slightly changes but the graphic does not.
Still not too hard to fix. Track the shot in 3d, take 1 shot to a 3d app. Model the box and then project the graphic onto that box. Render out just the box and do the same process as before.
Hope taht helps, let me know if you have ay other questions.