Pretty stoked for this and I definitely want to bring my camera and film the whole journey but i may have some issues with traveling with my gear.
1. I have a pretty bulky Induro photo Tripod with a 701 Video head on it, which weighs a lot put together. I really want to take it over but i think it will consume too much space in my bag. Should i
A) Buy a $50 shitty manfrotto or a no name tripod that will provide pretty weak support for my 60D and setup,
B) Work around my problem with the big tripod setup i have now.
2. I have a shitty LowerPro one strap back-pack style camera bag that gets the job done, but isn't really to useful to carry anything other than my gear. i was thinking about getting a new bag that i can carry around my school shit, laptop, camera, and lens, but wanted some suggestions on what to get, so if you know of any good bags like that, that would be mighty fine.
PLUS K FOR SUGGESTIONS, and i hope all of you have a mediocre to partially good day