I got a pair of no times this summer (brand new) and the first day, my heel piece tore out. The bindings were old and the heel piece was kinda fucked so I dont really know what was going on. Im not sure if it was the skis fault or the bindings. I dont blame the shop either, Skirack is super legit.
Anyway, I traded my brother a raincoat for some griffons (maybe 2 seasons old?) and got them remounted.
Literally the second day on the surfaces, I noticed a delam starting at the tip. By the 4th day on them the edge was completely ripping out. Fuck.
THEN, the next day (-20ºF, maybe colder) the heelpiece broke while hitting a shitty tiny bonk feature. I noticed earlier in the day, the heel piece also chipped off where you click in. Im thinking it was so cold the plastic became brittle and just broke.
My question is will either company warranty their stuff? I have no receipt for the griffons and they are probably 3 years old. I actually have the wreckage on film too so maybe that will help my case trying to get it warrantied?
The skis arent that bad but I did already tear out once, theyre gonna get worse, and if they dont Ill need a 3rd mount in 5 days of skiing.
inb4 shoulda gotten jesters
inb4 searchbar
+k for experiences and useful input, thanks for reading