I know judging is never perfect but watching runs I always wonder what is going through the judges' heads when some of the scores come in. Obviously there were a few times where the judges scored weird even andreas was confused when his second run scored wayyyy higher when he thought his first run was better but what i find crazy is schlopy's run scoring 5 points higher than Mcrae's and like 15 POINTS higher than Noah morrison's... Schlopy's sick but he did a sw 9, left 9 then a sw 12.... after a sw 9 2 hits before kinda undiverse i think then a sick dub 12 but Mcrae did dubs 3 ways had just as sick unnatural 9 (his right rodeo 9) and had a nose butter onto the first rail. Those runs aren't even in the same league yet the better one lost. Noah Morrison's run was a little loose in places but it was waaayyy sicker too. His right trick was a sw dub 9 not a forward 9 yet he scored 15 points lower seems crazy. I think the judging was good for the most part but anyone else blown away by some of these scores?