Hey everyone!
So we've been working hard on some changes to the way that content is sorted on the Homepage. Today we're launching an experimental new ordering, which seeks to put more of an emphasis on current vs. everything.
So stuff will get 'hot' and then cool off. Once it cools past a certain point, you access it through top rated, not any longer with 'heat'.
The most major change is that this means you will run out of things on the homepage if you check it a lot. It does a better job of showing you what is happening right now, but puts priority on the currently hot items.
THe second big change is to the way you can rate stuff. Now, we really encourage you to jump into 'latest' and you can rate items directly from the homepage list.
Everything gets better when you rate, rate, rate. So please, go and dish out those upvotes when you're stoked and bash it down when you're not.
Many won't notice much, but its a big backend change.