as skiiers, we have a duty to respect the areas we play on and claim as sacred, not only to ourselves, but also to the whole united states, and other countries that just dont seem to get it. the bush administartion is reluctant to enter in any treaty that means they will be forced to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, on the basis that it will reduce american jobs. what they dont seem to realize is tha tif they screw the planet over, and it goes to hell on us, there wont be a place for american jobs. now i am not claiming that the divided states of america is the only nation with problems, but it is an example. they are threatening are way of life!!!! if it gets too warm, it will eventually stop snowing. this may sound ridiculous, but the facts are that arctic latitudes are facing historic changes in temperature, glacial melting and abrupt weather changes. (the washingtom post, this is a threat to our livelyhood, and to do something. email your states congress people or representatives, because this is important for the survial of skiing and its future. thanks for reading my rant
skiing is life
without skiing, i would have no life
'did you see that quad twister? that was sick!' -random mogul compeditor