When i get migraines i don't get colors on the outside of my vision, but it just goes black and keeps getting narrower and narrower. It's pretty embarrassing when i'm in the front row of the class and I cant read whats on the board. Last Christmas eve i got a crazy migraine where my fingertips were totally numb and I was barfing everywhere. My vision was so bad that if i had it right now i could probably only see the width of the home tab through the videos tab on the top of the site. Apparently i told this really cool story about how a cat, dog, Neil Armstrong, and a lizard got into a drag race. The iguana won but as he crossed the finish line the DeLorean crashed into him and Doc Brown disguised as Indiana Jones said "great Scott!" and then levitated into the sky.
Migraines blow, and be happy you don't get them more often, stories of people who get them every day make me sad.