You are looking for love in the wrong place if you are posting this.
(And I don't say that to talk shit.)
You probably need strength in numbers and need to ask 5 chicks with 1 to say yes. (And some cuties you think won't have dates will be like 'nah nigga I got a date I've had one for months' so like I said strength in numbers.)
So plan on asking 3-6 chicks if you need a date. And don't let any of them know you are asking each other if you can. If you can ask 5-6 girls without each knowing you asked the other your good. One should say yes. (but this is assuming you ask seriously though and in hs terms thats kind of a big deal sure you know what i mean.)
There's girls in the same boat losing sleep over no dude asking them to prom. So think of them if you can when you make your list of 4-5 girls to ask. You can bring a grenade and fuck someone else's date if you're a real G.
(PS any hot girls will have dates locked down by now you need to lower your standards its almost April.)