plane tricks, explosions, light a bong by shooting it, watch your best friend give a guy from craigslist a blow job, do a 360, drink gasoline and light your dick on fire, drink gasoline and do a flame thrower with your mouth mid-air, backflip from the deck to the flat of a pipe, make yarn art, flip a cop car, flip a cop, shoot a box of mike and ikes, leave the lights on when you go skiing, grind a box sideways, chug ear drops, sustainable permaculture, cereal, top to bottom snow ball fight, fly a kite down the hill, attach offensive things to the kite, fly it down the hill, evade ski patrol, steal rental poles, punch chads gap, shave your eyebrows and draw them on every day in a way that represents your mood, buy a mood ring and swear it's accurate, call simon dumont a ninny, tell us your names and your favourite animal thats name starts with the same letter as your name, bike to the store, j walk, breath manually, make outerwear, hold your breath and smack a dock spider, wear small sized clothing, boil water, use a coupon