Skiing is inherently a personal, solo sport (aka SELFISH)t. This means you shouldn't be "anti" anything, because however someone else chooses to ski DOES NOT AND SHOULD NOT affect how you ski. If some pros want to be "NASCAR" athletes and do cookie cutter comp runs and wear logoed out clothing, then good on them. That's how THEY choose to ski. They make money, they certainly don't make ME have less fun skiing, so whatever. If you are "anti" Olympics, or you are concerned with the Olympics affecting "the direction of the sport" and shit, you are fucking stupid and are not skiing for the right reasons anyway. The only reason the direction of the sport should affect you is in terms of influence. If I like something someone else is doing, I will try to emulate it. If I don't, I ignore it. The sport evolves based on what people like, so if people hate the Olympic style of "freestyle skiing", it will probably go away on it's own anyways. /end rant