First time I've gotten trouble in trouble was late September, last year.
My friends and I were at Subway waiting in line, minding our own business. There was a group of girls behind us, I believe they were just a grade above us (seniors). I overhear the girls talking about my hair (it's fairly long), so I thought they digged it, I was wrong, they were talking about how big of a faggot I looked like and were mocking me behind my back. At that time, I shrugged it off, why should I care what others think of my hair? It slowly got even more and more annoying (they started going off about my acne, being overall cunts) I couldn't take that shit anymore.
I immediately turned around and called out the group of girls in the middle of a fully packed Subway (the entire junior + senior football team and a load of other people were there), there was a silence until the profanities started flying. I looked the girl dead in the eye and said, "Listen, _____, you're a stupid fucking ape and no one likes you. Maybe the dozens of guys you've fucked, but that's the only exception. I'm really starting to feel sorry for your mom, she's had to raise the bi-product of what should have been an abortion". Then, all hell broke loose, and she went batshit crazy. She started threatening to kill me and was throwing chairs at me. Holy fuck, this was 15 minutes of pure chaos, I almost got destroyed by her boyfriend who's 6'3 steroid user. It finally calmed down when the principle/police arrived to calm down the situation.
It got worse/better when I got back to school, the girl in question is known for consistently dropping the race card to get out of all her damn problems (my school is almost 80% white, maybe 2% is black). She uses this shit to claim that I was using racial slurs and making fun of her behind her back, so I provoked her. My principle is a great guy, believe me, but he can be so spineless sometimes (I'm sure he knows she's BSing, but is afraid of something, idk). What he did was ridiculous, I was given a one week in school suspension and forced to write a 5 page essay on racism.
What was the sweet part in all of this, everyone hated that girl because of the way she treats people (treats her own friends like shit, cheats with their boyfriends, etc.). The guys in my phys ed class told me it was ballsy, but I was the first person to call her out on being a bitch.
TL;DR: Girl that is hated by all (for being a cunt) calls me a faggot, etc. at Subway. I confront her about it and she flips shit. Get suspended and I have to write a 5 page essay on racism because, "I used racial slurs to provoke her" (she pulls the race card all the time). Now a legend among my peers for setting her ass straight.