I'm a vegetarian and thinking about trying to change my diet to a vegan one. Just wondering if there was anyone else here, especially guys, who are vegan. Looking for a bit of advice on what to do to start. To me it seems like this will be much more difficult than going vegetarian was. I have just heard good things about it and want to give it a shot. I'm very glad I went vegetarian and have no regrets with that, so I'm wondering if I'll feel the same way about a totally plant-based diet.
Also I don't plan on going full vegan yet. Literally every chair in my house is leather, every pair of boots I own is leather, leather belt. I love wool socks, wool sweaters, down. Maybe in time I will give that stuff up when it needs replacing. For now though I just want to do the food thing.
INB4 that "vegan support group" meme or any comments about how eating meat makes you more manly or something. I don't care.