be patient. pop then throw. I could always spin bigger switch than forward. after the pop and set, its all about the spot. a switch 5 should honestly feel just like a forward three. switch 7 should feel like a forward 5. start just popping switch and letting your spotting at the landing slowly bring around a sw 1, then do the same thing but let your trailing shoulder continue for a switch 3. you should not be winding up and throwing a switch three at all. a little swing of the arms into the spin is plenty for a switch five. pop and set, turn your head and look for the landing just like a forward 3 and the sw 5 comes right around. going from sw 5 to 7 is just being super comfortable with a sw 5 and letting your trailing shoulder continue to turn through the spot. switch 5 and 7 is the same set and spin, just think about trying to set the 5 down to switch. same thing with switch 9 to 10
thats how it works in my head, hope that helps