uggggh, ok. I'm going to take a quick second to point out how ignorant YOU are.
Well first, I think it's fair for me to assume you know nothing. I mean, it's quite evident in the way you've conducted yourself in this thread.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for many functions in the brain. The most prominent effect it has is on mood. In fact, serotonin is often regarded as the "feel good" transmitter.
The receptors for serotonin in the prefrontal cortex of the brain have been shown to be lower in number in the prefrontal cortex than those NOT suffering from major depression. Not linked to suicide, but instead the likelihood to act on suicidal thoughts.
The orbitofrontal cortex (part of the brain responsible for inhibition functions) is found to be on average 32% smaller than those without major depression.
Now the point im making is not really those above, but that fact that those with major depression have physical and chemical alterations in their brain. They do not consider others, they do not have that capability as fully as we do. I know when you know nothing it's easy to believe, "oh he's just upset, he will get over it. killing himself would be so mean to everyone else". But the fact of the matter is, is that major depression is on a neuroscientific level you obviously do not grasp. If you had even the slightest comprehensive grasp of the subject, then you would never refer to it as selfish.
Please do not respond, please keep your stupidity to yourself. I feel as though my IQ drops points every time you post.
Accept your stupidity, embrace your stupidity, and recognize the need to shut the fuck up and learn before you post your ignorant bullshit.
Please and thank you.
Oh, and here are some scientific articles maybe you should read. However, there are plenty more that would further support what i have to say.