I see this situation. It sucks. Happened to some of my boys in high school. They were acquitted, and got to come back to school. A lot of times, the blame is on both sides of the coin.
However, my personal opinion on the matter differs. I've been drinking, partying, and enjoying hilarious unprotected sex for years now, (claim, sick bro), and yeah, its pretty easy to not get accused of being a rapist. We all have a moral compass. Just don't do borderline shit. 9/10, 'false' accusations of rape had the guy doing some serious borderline shit. Even if they are acquitted, and its not truly considered rape, a girl doesn't go to the police just because she regrets having consensual sex. The guy obviously was too forward, too rough, or was too much of a desperate pussy to get laid to appraise the situation. Plus, he was probably a bitch in bed otherwise she wouldnt be regretting. I see it happen all the time. Consent should be obvious. Don't be the guy who doesn't get laid enough and has to go for the drunk girl who can't say no. Choose to not get laid that night. Video games and smokin chron with the homies is always fun at 3 am when your not goin home with any company. Rape, and rape culture is pretty real. Perpetrated by desperate asshole dudes, who can't get laid legitimately so they resort to bullshit. Look, theres a huge difference between having drunken sex with a stranger or acquaintance, and getting accused of rape. Seriously. It's not that hard to see the line, even when both parties are drunk. It bewilders me sometimes that some dudes are that desperate. Anyways, I'm ending my rant but this shit kinda pisses me off a lot. I'm not saying you shouldn't go out at night and try and get with girls. That shit is fun, and what makes a lotta college age males tick. But the line is real, and its totally fucking obvious to anyone with half a brain. Don't push the line, no means no, and if a girl is too wasted to say no be the bigger man.